Terms and Conditions

World Hair Clinic Limited (“WHC”) (to be incorporated) Terms and Conditions


These Terms of Use and Conditions of Sale (“Terms and Conditions”) regulate and contractually bind you when using the WHC website and Services, so please read them carefully. They apply when you use the WHC website at [www.worldhairclinic.com]  (“Website”) and/or obtain any Services (defined below) from WHC and/or the Website.

By continuing to use the Website and/or obtain any Services from WHC and/or the Website, you are confirming that you accept these Terms and Conditions and agree to comply with them. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you must not use WHC’s Website nor obtain any Services from WHC and/or WHC’s Website, including, if you are under 18 years of age or are legally not authorised to contract.

We may change these Terms and Conditions from time to time so you should check back regularly to see if anything has changed. The changes will become effective from the next time that you access the Website.

WHC is the world’s first sustainable medical hair regrowth programme for men and women, developed, proven and implemented by Dr Kevin Alexander for over thirty years.

Through the Website, WHC shall provide a platform to enable users to seek the following (“Services”):

  • Access to online diagnosis for certain medical hair loss conditions (“Diagnosis”);
  • After diagnosis by WHC, the ongoing management of the sustainable hair regrowth programme and the facilitation of the supply of certain prescription medications on a subscription basis from third-party service providers (“Prescription Products”); and
  • Purchase of certain other non-prescription products made available by us on the Website from time to time (“Non-Prescription Products”, and with the Prescription Products, “Products”).

A description of how you can order Services, how we provide the Services, what to do if there is a problem, and other important information relating to the Services is set out further below under Service Terms. The Service Terms apply whenever you use the Website to seek Services or whenever you make use of the WHC services on offer.

If you have any questions about anything in these Terms and Conditions or if you have technical issues, please email us at [email protected]

WHC’s Service Terms

WHC’s service terms, which form part of these Terms and Conditions, apply when you obtain Services from WHC. When you register with WHC, these service terms become a contract between WHC and yourself.

You can terminate these service terms at any time by contacting our customer services team at [email protected]

WHC Services

To access the Services, you must provide all details that we request during the sign-up process, including valid contact details and a valid payment method as permitted on the payment gateway. WHC relies on you providing accurate and complete information in order to provide the Services, so please ensure you answer our questions accurately and completely. You are responsible for ensuring that any information that you provide to WHC during the registration process and thereafter is accurate, complete, and up to date.

WHC may contact you at any time after you have registered with us to verify your identity and request any additional documentation that we may require for that purpose, as permitted by applicable laws.

WHC Website User Terms

This Website is for non-commercial use only. When using the Website, you agree not to:

  • attempt to undermine the security or integrity of the Website, WHC’s computing systems or networks or, where the Services or Website are hosted by a third party, that third party’s computing systems and networks. WHC will report any security breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them;
  • use, or misuse, the Services or Website in any way which may impair the functionality of the Services or Website, or other systems used to deliver the Services or Website or impair the ability of any other user to use the Services or Website;
  • attempt to gain unauthorised access to any materials other than those to which you have been given express permission to access or to the computer system on which the Services or Website are hosted;
  • transmit, or input into the Services or Website, any files or data that may damage any other person’s computing devices or software, content that may be offensive, or material or data in violation of any law (including data or other material protected by copyright or trade secrets which you do not have the right to use);
  • create links to the Website unless we give you prior written consent;
  • copy any portion of the Website;
  • attempt to modify, copy, adapt, reproduce, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer any computer programs used to deliver the Services or to operate the Website except as is strictly necessary to use either of them for normal operation and other than as permitted by law;
  • impersonate any other person while using the Website and/or during email interaction with WHC personnel;
  • conduct yourself in a vulgar, offensive, harassing or objectionable manner while using the Website and/or during email interaction with WHC personnel; ; or
  • use the Website and/or email interaction with WHC personnel for any unlawful purpose.

If you use any communication tools available through the Website (such as any forum, questionnaire or message centre), you agree only to use such communication tools for your personal purposes and in accordance with the law. You must not use any such communication tool for posting or disseminating any material unrelated to the Website or for advertising or marketing purposes.

When you make any communication on the Website or via email, you represent that you are permitted to make such communication. Any communications shall be conducted in a courteous manner.

You may have other rights granted by law, and these Terms and Conditions do not affect these except if the two are inconsistent. If this is the case then these Terms and Conditions will override any other rights which you may have, unless this is not permitted by law.

WHC Ordering

Through the WHC website and email, you will submit all the information requested of you and an online diagnosis will be made by WHC. Consequent upon such diagnosis, Prescription Products and Non-Prescription Products, (if applicable), will be sent to you as per below. Certain Prescription Products are pharmacy medicines and can only be prescribed if approved by the pharmacist prescriber (“Prescription medication”).

When you receive an order confirmation for a Non-Prescription Product, you have entered into a contract with WHC for the purchase of the Non-Prescription Product.

If, during your management by WHC, an additional item is recommended for you, WHC shall request the Prescriber and the Pharmacy to attend thereto and that product will, subject to the satisfaction of the Prescriber and the Pharmacy, be sent to you.

WHC shall facilitate the purchase of the Prescription Product from the Pharmacy for you. When you receive the order confirmation email from WHC, you will have also entered into a contract with the Pharmacy on the applicable Pharmacy Terms below.

You acknowledge that all Products that you use through WHC’s programme are for your own personal use only.

When WHC contacts you, WHC will do so in writing to your email address or using the contact details provided in your registration correspondence. You must keep your contact details up-to-date to enable WHC to contact you, if necessary.

Pharmacy Terms for Prescription Products

If you receive a Prescription Product, you will have been sent the Prescription Product by the pharmacy (“Pharmacy”). The Pharmacy is affiliated to an independent, licensed prescriber who is an individual registered in the United Kingdom with the General Pharmaceutical Council. The Pharmacy’s terms and conditions (Terms & conditions - Roseway Labs) apply to the use of your Prescription Product from the Pharmacy. Your contract for the use of Prescription Products is between you and the Pharmacy. We are not a party to that contract and do not have any responsibility arising out of or in connection with it. We are not an agent for the Pharmacy. The Pharmacy is responsible to you for the delivery of Prescription Products and for dealing with any claims or any other issues with the Prescription Products.

WHC Diagnosis

Through the online diagnosis process, WHC shall determine if a patient has alopecia androgenetica (male or female pattern baldness) and who may then become eligible to register with WHC and subscribe through the WHC email-linked payment portal.


WHC are responsible for reviewing your treatments and the Pharmacy shall issue your Prescription Products to you.

To facilitate the diagnosis, you will be required to complete a comprehensive medical information form during the online registration process. The medical information form includes details about you such as what medications you are taking, your health and medical history. This information will be reviewed and used in the assessment of your treatment to be prescribed. WHC relies on the information you provide, therefore the information must be accurate in every respect. WHC may ask whatever questions are deemed appropriate for a diagnosis to be made. You will be required to answer these questions in order for an accurate diagnosis to be made.  


All prices quoted are in pounds sterling and inclusive of value added tax (if applicable) and any other taxes payable.

You may pay using your credit or debit card or PayPal as indicated on the WHC Payment Portal which is a secure payment portal link that will be sent to you via email.

All payments are subject to the approval of the financial institution issuing your credit/debit card and credit verification, and WHC will not be responsible if the payment fails credit verification or if such financial institution or provider refuses to accept or honour the payment for any reason. WHC may also report any suspicious transactions to the relevant authorities. WHC may decline to accept or take any payment without giving any reason. Please note that it can take 2 to 3 days (excluding weekends and bank holidays) to process your payment. WHC will advise you if they incur any issues obtaining approval for the payment. This may cause a delay in delivering the Products to you and WHC will not be able to process your payment. Accordingly, the delivery of the Products by the Pharmacy may be delayed until WHC have received authorisation.

If WHC are unsuccessful in receiving payment within 7 days of informing you, WHC may (without responsibility to you), suspend or temporarily disable all or part of your registration and WHC shall be under no obligation to re-register you while the relevant payment(s) remains unpaid. This does not affect any other rights and remedies available to WHC.


Delivery of the Prescription Products will only take place once your diagnosis is made and the payment for the applicable programme has been processed. The delivery of the Prescription Products is governed by the applicable Pharmacy Terms set forth above.

WHC and the Pharmacy are not responsible for delays outside our control. If the supply of your Prescription Products is delayed by an event outside WHC’s or the Pharmacy’s control, then WHC will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and WHC will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay. At no stage will either the Pharmacy or WHC be liable for delays caused by the event.

If your parcel and its Prescription Products are damaged, in any manner or form, during transit as a result of, inter alia, mishandling by the courier or delivery service, your claim is against the courier or delivery service and not WHC.

If no one is available at your address to take delivery of the Prescription Products when they are delivered, and the Prescription Products cannot be posted through your letterbox, the delivery company that is used to make deliveries may leave you a note informing you of how to rearrange delivery. All costs associated therewith are for your account.

Product Availability

All deliveries for Prescription Products are subject to the the Pharmacy’s terms and conditions: Terms & conditions - Roseway Labs

Returns Policy

Crystallization of the Prescription Products may occur due to atmospheric conditions. This does not alter the efficacy of the solution in any way. The crystallized portion represents a very small fraction of the solute so you will still be receiving a product that will work the same as a non-crystallized product. No refunds nor exchanges will be granted for any Prescription Products which may be crystallized on receipt or which may crystallize subsequent thereto.

Your personal information

WHC take responsibility for the protection of your personal information very seriously. Please see the Privacy and Cookie Policy for information on how we process your personal information.